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Checkpoints For Healing Periodontal Pocket

By Ronald Morris

An individuals oral health is very critical and this is why undergoing a periodontal examination is mandatory. Measurements of spaces in between teeth and gums will come a long way finding out the occurrence of gum diseases. The diseases usually catapult the formation of deep spaces around the teeth. In the long run, this can result in teeth loss. It is therefore mandatory to look at ways of healing periodontal pocket.

Initially, measurements of depth of the pockets are taken by the medical professional. If it is found out that the existing pockets are deep in such a way that they cannot be cleaned at home, a professional routine care is a must. This has to be done in order to prevent the problem from escalating.

The procedure of restoring the oral health in a perfect state involves folding the gum tissue and removing the bacteria. In the dental language, this is referred to as scaling and root planning. In scaling, plague and tartar are removed by the use of manual scaling equipment. Root planning is also carried out by relevant tools.

In severe instances, a surgical operation is performed. A flap surgery is the basic operation done. It involves making a small incision on the gums and lifting them up. When this is done, the dentist can be in a position to remove tartar from beneath. Skin transplants can also be performed in the event that gum tissues are badly damaged. A contemporary procedure known as laser treatment is being practiced in various parts even though its possible side effects have not yet been guaranteed.

Various home care practices can also play a vital role in controlling the chances of having a periodontal disease. Individuals are therefore encouraged to use brushes with soft bristles when cleaning the teeth. Hard ones can cause discomfort and severe injury. When cleaning, the gum line has to be given more emphasis since this is where most deposits accumulate. A toothbrush should always be replaced after every four months.

Dentists recommend the use of optimal cleaning toothpaste. In addition to that, they can also prescribe an antibacterial mouth wash. This helps in reducing bacteria in the mouth. Flossing can also be done twice a day. The floss needs to be slid in between two teeth and wiggle it up and down, back and forth severally. One should floss all the way to the gums and care be taken not to cause any discomfort while at it. The entire process should take at least two minutes.

A particular natural cleaning substance that can also be used is the baking soda. It has proven very effective when it comes to neutralization of the acids. It should be mixed with a small amount of warm water to form a paste. After this, the paste can then be used for cleaning. Vitamin D sources such as cold liver oil and sunflower seeds need to be taken in to control the likelihood of developing these problems.

People who have mild complications should make it a point of visiting medical professionals in order to prevent the problems from getting worse. When this is not done, the problems may escalate and cause a serious implication on the overall health of an individual.

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